Moosa Mehar, Born in Kerala, the southernmost state in India. He has done engineering and was running own startup while in college. He was leading state governments startup activities in his region and was running Incubators and accelerators as part of the Job.
Mehar was leading the Coopathon, first cooperative hackathon in India. His organisation, TinkerHub and ICA-AP hosted the second Coopathon at Delhi, India. TinkerHub Foundation, a non-profit he co-founded to create technology learning accessible for all. He is a mentor for Global Cooperative Entrepreneurship from APAC.
GYF was the most inclusive and vibrant global gathering I was ever part of. I have met a lot of interesting people and engaged in discussion around how to bring more people to coops. As my domain of work is around tech and youth, the future possibility of platform cooperatives was a really fascinating one. Some ideas we have discussed with the participants are now becoming reality through global cooperation among cooperators. Coopathon was an experiment we have done to see how to bring youth to cooperatives. I’m one of the Mentor for Global Cooperative Entrepreneurship and the Coopathon model is getting implemented at different parts of the world. Interaction with participants who are excited to host one hackathon at their natives was really a great experience.