

Angélica Soberanes, Mexican communicologist, works for Cooperativa La Cruz Azul, the second largest cement business in Mexico and one of the most consolidated cooperatives in America which has existed since 1881. Master’s Degree in Marketing and the first woman elected as president of ICA America Youth Committee “CRJ”.

Youth representative of the Mexican Cooperative National Confederation and co-founder of its youth committee: COJUCOOP. Vice-president of the ICA Global Youth Network, writer, editor and proofreader of Nuestra Gente co-op magazine.

As a trainer, the GYF offered the best opportunity to share the work we have been doing on developing online educational programs for youth cooperators. The intercultural context, allowed us to have different contributions to our project. CUDECOOP (Uruguay) and the youth committee of the Mexican National Cooperative Confederation “COJUCOOP”, are working together with an intergenerational perspective, and the Global Youth Forum was an excellent international and innovating scenario to display our ideas. It was a great and well organized Forum!
