Ahsan Thakur
Steering committee
The GYF20’s steering committee was formed by part of the ICA Youth Network Executive Committee including the President of the network and the 4 Vice presidents.
What is the ICA Youth Network and what does it do for young people?
The Youth Network works with cooperatives around the world to help them develop strategies to promote youth employment – to give young people better jobs, and to make sure that cooperatives employ them, keep them in work, and give them the chance to progress.
It is also working to improve legal and administrative requirements for cooperatives, ensuring better working conditions, education and training and access to social protection and rights at work.
The Network is here to:
- Represent youth who are interested in cooperatives and cooperation
- Connect youth by creating spaces for reflection, discussion and training
- Advise youth by facilitating opportunities to promote time and space for reflection, discussion, exchange, research and training
If you would like to know more about the Global Youth Network as well as about the Regional networks, please visit https://globalyouth.coop/en and check the hashtag #coopyouth on social media.
FYI, during the GYF20 the Youth Network has launched the Replication project. Here you can learn what the project is about and how it can help you: https://www.ica.coop/en/newsroom/news/youth-network-announces-replication-programme
The faces behind the Steering Committee and what they have to say about the GYF20:
Home > ICA Steering Committee
ICA Steering Committee
Steering committee
The GYF20’s steering committee was formed by part of the ICA Youth Network Executive Committee including the President of the network and the 4 Vice presidents.
What is the ICA Youth Network and what does it do for young people?
The Youth Network works with cooperatives around the world to help them develop strategies to promote youth employment – to give young people better jobs, and to make sure that cooperatives employ them, keep them in work, and give them the chance to progress.
It is also working to improve legal and administrative requirements for cooperatives, ensuring better working conditions, education and training and access to social protection and rights at work.
The Network is here to:
- Represent youth who are interested in cooperatives and cooperation
- Connect youth by creating spaces for reflection, discussion and training
- Advise youth by facilitating opportunities to promote time and space for reflection, discussion, exchange, research and training
If you would like to know more about the Global Youth Network as well as about the Regional networks, please visit https://globalyouth.coop/en and check the hashtag #coopyouth on social media.
FYI, during the GYF20 the Youth Network has launched the Replication project. Here you can learn what the project is about and how it can help you: https://www.ica.coop/en/newsroom/news/youth-network-announces-replication-programme
The faces behind the Steering Committee and what they have to say about the GYF20: